The call will make you go beyond your limits
Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.
Isaiah 54:2
Many people feel limited by shyness, by their past, by their social or economic status. I want you to note down this: “When people enter God’s calling, God removes all their limits.”
When God sends you, He also recommends you!
There’s divine favor available for you around the corner of obedience! Always! When you obey God by following His guidance, living for His principles and His will, He will bring you to the right place at the right moment with the right people! You will be precisely in the place of divine favor!
Remember: You are just an act of obedience away from your reward!
You are so special to the Lord that God didn’t prepare a plan B in case of failure! You are God’s plan A, and He will push you to go beyond all limits. If necessary, God will wait for you until the last breath of your life.
His call is irrevocable. In it, there are all the energy, health, and capacity resources you need!
When we answer God’s call, we enter into a divine provisioning that we never thought was available to us – provisioning of money, people, and resources.
When God commands you something, never deal with your pocket. God has His resources for His work. Of course, we will be the first to give for His project, and we’d better be sure God confirms every enterprise we undertake. But, once you get confirmation, I want you to know that God will always surprise you with His resources, enlarge your boundaries, remove your limitations, break down every barrier.